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Resolve NinjaScript Errors

To install third party software, your NinjaTrader platform needs to be completely free of any NinjaScript Errors.  These errors arise for many different reasons. On this page, we will attempt to empower you to resolve your own NinjaTrader Errors. Below are several error messages and the steps to troubleshoot them.

“You have custom NinjaScript files on your PC that have programming errors…”

Because importing NinjaScript files requires compilation of your entire NinjaScript library you will first need to resolve the errors to allow for a successful compilation. 

Troubleshoot Steps:

  • Open NinjaTrader
  • From the Control Center select the New menu–> select NinjaScript Editor
  • Double click on the Indicators folder–> then double click on any of the indicators
  • Once the indicator code is in view right-click in the window and select Compile to compile all NinjaScript objects
  • At the bottom of the NinjaScript Editor window, a new section will appear where you can find the error locations
  • You can exclude the file referenced in the editor by double clicking on the appropriate object type on the right of the NinjaScript Editor window. This will expand the object type folder. You can then select the file with a left click–> right click on the object–> then select Open to begin debugging the file, Exclude From Compilation, or Remove to delete the file.