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How to Trade on NinjaTrader Using a Mac

The NinjaTrader desktop platform and our software only work on Windows. However, you can still trade NinjaTrader on a Mac using a Virtual Private Server (VPS). A VPS allows you to run NinjaTrader on a Windows environment remotely, bypassing the need for direct compatibility with macOS. One good VPS option is VMware, which offers Fusion Pro for free for personal use. This lets you set up a virtual Windows machine on your Mac, giving you access to NinjaTrader and other Windows-based trading platforms without needing a separate PC. You can find more details and download VMware Fusion Pro here.

Mac Installation – Setting Up NinjaTrader on VMWare Fusion:

Before installing NinjaTrader on a Mac with VMWare Fusion, follow these steps to configure your virtual machine:

  1. Launch VMWare and choose your virtual machine.
  2. Click the “Settings” button at the bottom.
  3. In the “System Settings” section, select “Sharing.”
  4. Deselect “Documents” from the “Mirrored Folders” list.
  5. Close the “Settings” window and power on your virtual machine.
Other Recommendations

One of our customers shared their insights on running NinjaTrader Desktop Application in a virtual server environment. These recommendations may not be perfect, but they offer valuable insights. Here’s a summary of their findings:

1. VPS vs. VDS:

  • VPS: Shares CPU with other users, which can lead to performance issues if neighbors are heavy users.

  • VDS: Offers a dedicated CPU, ensuring consistent performance. Though slightly more expensive (about $10-$15 more per month), it provides better reliability.

2. Operating System:

  • Opt for the lightest Windows version, as pre-configured versions have unnecessary services.

  • Change the default “Administrator” user and RDP port for security.

3. Memory:

  • 4 GB RAM is sufficient for copy trading.

  • Upgrade memory for better performance if using additional indicators.

4. Location:

  • The best latency to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) was achieved with servers in New York. This is based off the customer solely trading futures.

5. Hard Disk:

  • A 50 GB NVMe hard disk is adequate for running NinjaTrader.

Additional Note:

  • Some providers may refer to VDS as a Self-managed VPS, indicating dedicated server resources for optimal performance and security.

These insights highlight crucial technical aspects to consider for efficient trading using NinjaTrader.

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